Foot, Knee and Hip Pain

Foot, Knee and Hip Pain


Foot, Knee and Hip Pain

Patients suffering from pain in the lower limbs are commonly seen in clinical practice. Pain may be caused by damaged local structures within or around the foot, knee, or hip or may be referred from other sources (such as the lower back and Sciatic nerve).

Sudden onset foot, knee and hip pain often occurs in athletes involved in fast moving change-of-direction sports, kicking sports, contact sports and those sports which involve twisting movements or rapid acceleration and deceleration (such as football, soccer, basketball, netball and skiing). These acute injuries often involve tearing of cartilage tissue or ligaments within the region. One of the most common causes of sudden onset pain in the knee is a meniscal tear or ligament sprain. Gradual onset knee pain often occurs in those patients involved in sports or activities that involve high running loads, repetitive squatting, lunging, jumping, twisting, kneeling or repetitive kicking.
foot knee and hip on an xray graphic
Gradual onset pain of the foot, knee and hip can also come from de-conditioning and sedentary postures like computer/desk work. One of the most common causes of gradual onset pain located at the front of the knee is Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome. In older patients with gradual onset foot, knee or hip pain, the most likely cause of symptoms is degenerative changes in the joint (e.g. Arthritis) or Nerve pain locally or referred from the low back.

We CAN Help!

Your Physio will be able to determine the likely cause of your Pain from your history and physical examination and most patients will recover fully from a short course of physiotherapy. We are also highly skilled in determining the likely cause of your foot, knee or hip pain which is so critical – as often more than one diagnosis can exist together and muscle imbalances and gait changes can occur quickly.

Call one of our Friendly staff today to experience healthcare that cares and to get to the root cause of your pain and get it sorted!


At Orion Family Physiotherapy we also prescribe, heat mould and fit custom orthotics for you and your family (including children). Your expert Physio can also put your foot problem in context with your whole lower limb and spine, so we don’t give you an orthotic and just send you on your way we will assess and often prescribe some amazing quick foot posture and lower limb strengthening exercises to compliment your new orthotic. We also follow up all our orthotic prescriptions and we can tweak or change them at a later date with lifts and posting to alter the mould if your foot or other factors change.
shoe orthotic insert
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